Sand, Sea and G&T Sorbet…..

So I was going to do a whole blog about our recent trip to Preslies Bay but my amazing husband made an awesome video which totally sums up the whole trip in 1min 40 seconds….. (If that doesn’t work search on YouTube Preslies Bay April 2016) Enjoy Xox Lana

Be prepared…

Here is a list of things that I have  experienced since having Sam that I really didn’t expect. 1. Your body will amaze you in ways that you don’t think its possible. Firstly you GROW a human being. Just stop and think about that for a second. A HUMAN BEING! My belly. Weird to think…

This thing called motherhood

So being a mom now for just over 14 weeks (how is Sam 14 weeks old?!) I have learnt a thing or two about this thing called motherhood. 1. Absolutely nothing can prepare you for it. Being an aunt now for over 4 years to Mj and Stella, I thought I was kind of prepared…

A running adventure

Running. I have always run. Since my first real race at age 8 I have done some form of running. At school it was athletics starting off with 1200m then moving on to 1500m and 800m. I also did cross-country which I enjoyed the most. I was super fit…let me take a moment to brag:…

2am thoughts…

So I started writing this blog (in my head) one very early morning at 2am, just after feeding Sam. Now this might sound very obvious but people really like babies AND pregnant woman. I have never experienced such friendliness and help from completely random people. The biggest scariest (not really scary but you get the…

Sam’s first real “adventure”

So I’ve blogged about Sam’s adventure overseas but I haven’t spoken about his real first “adventure”…his birth. I need to write about it as I’m sure I will forget details as I have a memory of a goat *longer than a goldfish shorter than dog*. Firstly Sam was kind of….well a surprise. We have done…

Switzerland is THAT girl

So we are finally back in Johannesburg and I have to admit it feels good. Sam was again amazing on the flight. It did help having a bassinet this time. He just slept and slept and slept. And so did his mom. I was a zombie from being up with Sam 2 nights before so…

The weekend round up

Friday- chips,dip and some weird tasting beer. So we had quite a chilled Friday. Sent A to get us some snacks and he came back with the most random combination of snacks but rather tasty. Also we both realised we have an odd fascination with supermarkets in foreign countries. I find it SO interesting…there are…

First few days

So flying with a 2 month old wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. We were hoping to get a baby bassinet but our flight had 7 BABIES on board so Sam slept on me for nearly entire flight…..not ideal but he was a super star *BTW other babies screamed….not Sam* We arrived…

A Shaw thing…

So what is this blog all about? Let me start from the beginning.  My name is Elana and I’m currently sitting with my 2 month old on my lap looking out of window in a town called Schaffhausen, Switzerland. My husband-Andrew- came for work and we tagged along. As A will be working during the…