The perfect storm…

So last night I was awake for just about every 2 hours thanks to a little baby boy named Sam. I think we are experiencing the perfect storm. Growth spurt, teething AND a cold. Jip it had been fun….like getting a root canal fun

Now I can complain about how tired I am and that it feels like I want to inject caffeine straight into my eyeballs *dramatic much* but I won’t.  Instead I will give you all the advantages  of waking up every 2 hours.

1. You get to spend a lot of time with your baby. Everytime you feel guilty about dropping off baby at creche or leaving him with nanny, well see this as making up those lost hours with your baba.

2. You get to monitor the temperature. Ever wonder how much the temperature drops during the night, well now you can stop wondering. I was quite surprised by how much colder it gets. See,you learn things in this period of no sleep.

3. You get to read the 3am breaking news stories BEFORE anybody else. Everybody at work will think you are so informed and clever.

4. You can literally see the bags under your eyes forming in front of you…amazing how our bodies react to lack of sleep. Not sure if this is a positive thing but work with me people.

5. You get time to start planning Christmas dinner/Sam’s 1st birthday/2nd Father’s day/ insert future event. I have basically planned all of Sam’s parties up to age 6.

Well that’s it…I need to save some brain energy to teach Science the rest of the day…luckily  Science is not a challenging subject at all *can you see the sarcasm dripping off*

Have a great day people.
I’m now going to hook up my coffee IVF





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